
Friday, March 19, 2021 - 3:38pm
CEM Connections

After CEM On Air aired on Radyo Veritas from 7 September 2019 to 22 February 2020 every Saturday at 8:00 am, CEM has gone digital with the launch of CEM Connections. It is an online discourse on assessment and education-related issues published mainly through the CEM Youtube Channel, Facebook page, and the Multimedia page of CEM's website.

Following the launch of its pilot episode in June 2020, CEM released two new episodes of CEM Connections covering the topics on online assessments and data privacy during online learning. For more educational videos, you may visit the CEM Youtube Channel.

Episode 1 - Educators During the Pandemic
Pilot episode published on June 2020.

Episode 2 - What is Online Assessment?
Published on December 21, 2020, features Mr. Michael Van Supranes of the UP School of Statistics and Interactive Learning Center Diliman who discussed the features that test users should look for in an online assessment platform. Some of the most important aspects that he suggested are security for identity authentication and data safety, the flexibility of the exam platform for easy user access, the use of Safe Exam Browser, e-proctoring, and anti-plagiarism tools to eliminate cheating. He also discussed how test developers can maintain the integrity of the test through question control, equating measures, and balance of technology and human expertise.

Episode 3 - Learners' Data Privacy
Published on January 30, 2021, Atty. Louie Alfred Pantoni of Castillo Laman Tan Pantaleon & San Jose Law Firm shed some light on learners’ rights to Data Privacy during online learning. He maintained that all individuals, including minors, have the right to Data Privacy and that parents play a big role in ensuring that their children’s data are used appropriately. He also cited some violations and their respective consequences to violators and added that there are government agencies, particularly the National Privacy Commission,  that can address these cases. He also urges parents to be vigilant about their children’s online activities to keep them away from possible online danger.