Step 12: Watch the Video Tutorials on Preparing for and Navigating the Online Testing Website

Watch the videos below to familiarize yourself with the online testing website and to know what it’s like to take the Online National Medical Admission Test.

  • Watch the entire video walkthrough for a comprehensive preview of the test-taking preparation and experience. Hit play button to do so.

You can also use the following timestamps for easy navigation in the video:

  • Checking system compatibility: From 00:18 to 01:46.
  • Accessing the test: From 1:47 to 4:22 (Note: You can access the Demo Test Link through your NMAT account. Log in to the NMAT website and click on "Online Options: View Status/Downloads." The actual test link will be e-mailed to you.) 
  • Navigating within and between sections of the test website:From 04:22 to 12:22 

IMPORTANT: Please review the Sections of the Testing Website 

  1. Click the NEXT SECTION button ONLY IF you have finished answering all 120 items in the Section. Remember that when you leave a Section of the Test, you will NOT BE ABLE TO return to it even if you have unanswered items. A warning message will appear when you click the Next Section button. When the warning goes up you have the option to “Cancel” going to the next section.
  2. Click the FINISH TEST button ONLY AFTER you have completed Part 2 of the Test (found in Section 4 of the testing website) or in other words after you have answered all 240 items in the Test. Similar to the Next Section button, you will have the option to "Cancel" the finish test action. A message will pop up for you to confirm or cancel this action. Once you confirm the FINISH TEST action, the testing website will close your exam and your answers will be queued for scoring. So if you did not finish answering all items and click the Finish Test button, all your blank items will be marked as incorrect. Please take note that the Finish Test button is NOT a Save button. All your responses on the testing website are saved routinely as you answer. 

If you click the Next Section or Finish Test button by mistake and wish to retake your test so that you can get the chance to answer the test items you missed, you will need to be given a new test on a separate test day (for test security reasons). Because you are given a new test, you will need to register and pay again to the scheduled back-up test day. For each round of NMAT administration, the back-up test day is scheduled 4 days after the last of the pre-announced test dates. This back-up test day is usually a Friday, but it may be scheduled on a different day. Please call the NMAT Secretariat to verify.

  • Watch the video on basic Preparation and Troubleshooting tips. Click on the play button below to do so.

  • What is remote Live Proctoring like? Check out in the video below.

To know more on what to prepare for the Online National Medical Admission Test, please read Bulletin of Information: Step 15: Follow Test Day Instructions.