
Friday, June 23, 2017 - 1:09pm
CEM President attends the APNIEVE-Philippines 16th National Convention

Dr. Maria Cynthia A. Alcantara, president of the Center for Educational Measurement, Inc. (CEM), graced the 16th Asia Pacific Network for International Education and Values Education (APNIEVE- Philippines) National Convention at the University of Northern Philippines (UNP), Vigan, Ilocos Sur on April 26-28, 2017.

As one of the expert plenary speakers, Dr. Alcantara discussed the salient points on Keeping Track: Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation of Quality Education, which was attended by values educators, school administrators and teachers from the Basic and Higher Education as participants on Day 2. She emphasized the significance of establishing standards and competencies frameworks for quality education, identifying indicators, approaches and tools to measure and monitor the quality of education, exploring alternative models for the assessment and evaluation of quality education and building the capacity to assess, monitor and evaluate the quality of education.

The convention’s theme, “In Pursuit of Quality Education, the Past, Present and Future”, was introduced by Dr. Patricia B. Licuanan, CHEd Chairperson, as the Keynote Speaker and then expanded by four other plenary speakers, including Dr. Alcantara. Their topics include: 1) Getting the Big Picture: Concepts and Frameworks of Quality Education, 2) Putting into Practice: Innovations for Increasing the Quality of Education, and 3) Sustaining the Commitments: Effective Policies and Strategies for Quality Education.

CEM is an institutional member of UNESCO-APNIEVE, an international organization which aims to promote and develop international education and values education for peace, human rights, democracy, and sustainable development through networking and cooperation among individuals and institutions in the Asia Pacific region.