
Friday, August 23, 2013 - 5:19am
CEM staff attends IRT Training

To follow through on Jan Wieger's lecture on e-assessment recently held in February, CEM organized a workshop on the use of various software especially designed for results evaluation on April 1-5, 2013 at CEM's 33rd floor conference room.

To efficiently track test results, automation and computerization is an integral part of the process. Facilitating the workshop were psychometricians, Dr. Angela Verschoor and Dr. Hendrik Straat of Cito.

Eighteen participants from CEM's Test Development, Research, Information Systems, Special Projects and Professional Development Sections attended this training program to help in the development of CEM's standardized tests.

Participants listened to lectures and had hands-on sessions to learn the use of software such as TiaPLus and One Parameter Logistic Model in order to carry out evaluations of test items using Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory.

The theories discussed are considered essential frameworks in developing tests. They were also introduced to the different methods of educational standard setting.

Item Response Theory (IRT) presents a general framework for constructing measuring instruments, validating instruments, estimating item and test characteristics, estimating individual's abilities and spread of abilities in a (sub)population and it provides a framework for interpreting test results.

These workshops were CEM's first collaboration with Cito. Cito is based in Arnhem City and is one of the world's leading testing and assessment companies. With its staff of 600, Cito has been measuring and monitoring human potential since 1968.  At both national and international levels, Cito works with educatioal institutions, governments, and companies, whose focal interests involve assessment of learning and performance in the workplace. Cito currently has three subsidiary companies in Germany, USA and Turkey.